New Article in Social Philosophy and Policy Special Issue on Global Crises, edited by Allen Buchanan
My article "The Global Crisis and the Psychological Feasibility of Internationalism" is part of the Social Philosophy and Policy special issue on Global Crises, edited by Allen Buchanan. In this article I revisit the motivational critique of contemporary conceptions...
Article Published: Global Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done
The article is published in the Journal of International Political Theory. Here's the abstract: Over the past two decades the academic literature on global distributive justice has generated a proliferation of positions regarding the question of how to conceive a...
Launch of The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education on 8 September 2023
Democratic education is central to the functioning and flourishing of modern multicultural democracies, and yet it is subject to increasing public controversy and political pressure. Waning public trust in government institutions, sustained attacks on democratic...
Publication of Article on Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies in Educational Theory
In this article I offer a new conceptualization of democratic citizenship education in light of the transformations brought about by the use of digital technologies. My conceptualization adopts a deliberative understanding of democracy that provides a systemic...
The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
What kind of education is needed for democracy? How can education respond to the challenges that current democracies face? This unprecedented Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the most important ideas, issues, and thinkers within democratic education. Its...
Symposium in Journal of Global Ethics: Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World Politics (OUP, 2020)
The central aim of Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World Politics is to challenge the assumption that private individuals lack agency and power in world politics – an assumption that is widely shared in the field of International Relations. Hägel’s methodological...
New Article: Global Educational Justice
My article on global educational justice in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Education (London: Routledge), edited by Randall Curren, came out in October of 2022.
New Article: Four Challenges to Political Autonomy Education in Contemporary Public Spheres
My article on challenges to political autonomy education in contemporary public spheres was published in a special issue of On Education, edited by Anne Rohstock, in September of 2022.
New Edited Book: “Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis”
Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis is the first volume of the series Philosophy of Education – Debates and Constellations (Leiden: Brill) – it came out in April of 2022.
Democratic Theory Lecture Series Event Recaps
Event recaps of the lecture series on Contemporary European Democratic Theory are available.
New Article: Democratic Education and the Crisis of Representative Democracy
My article on democratic education and the crisis of representative democracy was published in the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik in 2021.
New Edited Book: Education and Migration
Together with Danielle Zwarthoed I have co-edited a special issue for The Journal of Global Ethics on “Education and Migration.” The special issue has now been published with Routledge as edited collection Education and Migration.
Reply to Harvey Siegel Published in Theory and Research in Education
My article “Discourse Ethics, Epistemology and Educational Justice – A Reply to Harvey Siegel” has just been published online first in Theory and Research in Education. The article resulted from a panel on discourse ethics and educational justice at the 2019 North American Association for Philosophy and Education conference.
Symposium in Ethics & Global Politics on Democratic Education in a Globalized World
Prof. Klaus Dingwerth and Simon Pistor have guest-edited a symposium in Ethics & Global Politics on Democratic Education in a Globalized World.